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Step 1: Selection of the Jury.
Step 2: Opening Statements. The lawyers for each side will discuss their views of the case that you are to hear and will also present a general picture of what they intend to prove about the case. What the lawyers say in their opening statements is not evidence and, therefore, does not help prove their cases.
Step 3: Presentation of Evidence. All parties are entitled to present evidence. The testimony of witnesses who testify at trial is evidence. Evidence may also take the form of physical exhibits, such as a gun or a photograph. On occasion, the written testimony of people not able to attend the trial may also be evidence in the cases you will hear.
Many things you will see and hear during the trial are not evidence. For example, what the lawyers say in their opening and closing statements is not evidence. Physical exhibits offered by the lawyers, but not admitted by the
judge, are also to be disregarded, as is testimony that the judge orders stricken off the record.
Many times during the trial the lawyers may make OBJECTIONS to evidence presented by the other side or to questions asked by the other lawyer. Lawyers are allowed to object to these things when they consider them improper under the laws of evidence. It is up to the judge to decide whether each objection was valid or invalid, and whether, therefore, the evidence can be admitted or the question allowed. If the objection was valid, the judge will SUSTAIN THE OBJECTION. If the objection was not valid, the judge will OVERRULE THE OBJECTION. These rulings do not reflect the judge's opinion of the case or whether the judge favours or does not favour the evidence or the question to which there has been an objection.
It is your duty as a juror to decide the weight or importance of evidence or testimony allowed by the judge. You are also the sole judge of the CREDIBILITY OF WITNESSES, that is, of whether their testimony is believable. In considering credibility, you may take into account the witnesses* opportunity and ability to observe the events about which they are testifying, their memory and manner while testifying, the reasonableness of their testimony when considered in the light of all the other evidence in the case, their possible bias or prejudice, and any other factors that bear on the believability of the testimony or on the importance to be given that testimony.
deliberations. All documents or physical objects that have been received into evidence will also be sent to the jury room.
Step 5: Closing Arguments The lawyers in the closing arguments summarize the case from their point of view. They may discuss the evidence that has been presented or comment on the credibility of witnesses. The lawyers may also discuss any of the judge's instructions that they feel are of special importance to their case. These arguments are not evidence.
Step 6: Jury Deliberation. The jury retires to the jury room to conduct the deliberations on the verdict in the case they have just heard. The jury first elects a foreman who will see to it that discussion is conducted in a sensible and orderly fashion, that all issues are fully and fairly discussed, and that every juror is given a fair chance to participate.
When a verdict has been reached, the foreman signs it and informs the bailiff. The jury returns to the courtroom, where the foreman presents the verdict. The judge then discharges the jury from the case.

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Этапы судебного процесса

Шаг 1: Выбор жюри.

Шаг 2: Вступительные Заявления. Адвокаты каждой стороны обсудят свои взгляды на дело, которое вам предстоит выслушать, а также представят общую картину того, что они намерены доказать по этому делу. То, что адвокаты говорят в своих вступительных заявлениях, не является доказательством и, следовательно, не доказать их правоту.

Шаг 3: Представление доказательств. Все стороны имеют право представить доказательства. Показания свидетелей, которые дают показания в суде, являются доказательствами. Доказательства могут также принимать форму вещественных доказательств, таких как пистолет или фотография. В некоторых случаях письменные показания людей, не имеющих возможности присутствовать на суде, также могут быть доказательствами в делах, которые вы будете слушать.

Многие вещи, которые вы увидите и услышите во время суда, не являются доказательствами. Например, то, что говорят адвокаты в своих вступительных и заключительных заявлениях, не является доказательством. Вещественные доказательства, представленные адвокатами, но не допущенные

судьей, также должны быть проигнорированы, как и показания, которые судья приказывает вычеркнуть из протокола.

Много раз в ходе судебного разбирательства адвокаты могут возражать против доказательств, представленных другой стороной, или на вопросы, заданные другим адвокатом. Адвокатам разрешается возражать против таких вещей, когда они считают их неправомерными по законам доказывания. Судья должен решить, было ли каждое возражение действительным или недействительным и, следовательно, могут ли быть приняты доказательства или разрешен вопрос. Если возражение было обоснованным, судья ПОДДЕРЖИТ ЕГО. Если возражение не было обоснованным, судья ОТМЕНЯЕТ ЕГО. Эти определения не отражают мнения судьи по делу, а также того, одобряет или не одобряет судья доказательства или вопрос, на который были высказаны возражения.

Ваша обязанность как присяжного заседателя-определить вес или важность доказательств или свидетельских показаний, разрешенных судьей. Вы также являетесь единственным судьей о ДОСТОВЕРНОСТИ СВИДЕТЕЛЕЙ, то есть о том, являются ли их показания правдоподобными. При рассмотрении вопроса о достоверности,

The presence of english as a universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying. education has increased the role of english. i think english is an easy way to communicate with people from all round the world. english, in this case is like latin in medicine.communication is the exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings may be done by people through a variety of verbal and non-verbal means of communication. the english language became a widespread language because the uk had the most colonies in the world. the nation compelled their language and traditions in the territories they occupied, as for example: usa, canada, australia, india and other islands. on the other hand,  in this computer age, english is the only language that anyone can understand. so to say, it has become as an ideal language for expressing our feelings in the virtual world. this is the language in which most of the information and websites are available.

Популярно: Английский язык