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1 Are there any animal sanctuaries in your country? 5 Write answers to the questions,
2 What animals do they help?
3 Do people give money to help animals?
4 What wild animals have you got in your country?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i  think nellie is leaving for moscow tomor­row. 2. i am in a hurry. my friends are waiting for me. 3. were you  at the theatre yesterday. did you  like) the opera? — oh yes, i enjoyed it greatly. 4. we expect you will go to london next sum­mer. 5. her english is not  excellent, but she is  working at it. 6. a week ago theydi not know) what to think. 7. she is worrying a lot at the moment, but the problems aren't very great. 8. last tuesday he was upset and had no idea where to go. 9. could you tell me the way to trafalgar square? am i  going the right way? 10. various kinds of sports are popular in russia. 11. both children and grown-ups are fond of sports. 12. what is the matter with her? she is so excited. — i do not know). 13. where are you going? — i am going to the stadium to see the match which takes place there today. 14. did you know) that a very interesting match took place last sunday? 15. he went to the south a week ago. 16. when i was about fifteen years old, i enjoyed playing football. 17. our foot­ball team won many games last year. 18. where is boris? — he is playing chess with his friend. 19. i am sorry i  missed the match yesterday. but i  know the score. it was 4 to 2 in favour of the russian team.

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