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Task 1. Read and make up a vocabulary of unknown words. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct time. Some years ago, Santa Luisa 1 … (be) popular for stag and hens, in other words, when large groups of young men (stags) and women (hens) 2 … (arrive) in town and 3 … (party) all night celebrating before one of the group 4 … (get) married. Rowdy and drunken behavior 5 … (be) common. The bars and nightclubs 6 … (become) places where people 7 … (deal) drugs, and there 8 … (be) beggars and pickpockets on the streets. However, things 9 … (change). Now, the local police (=they) 10 … (send) extra personnel to the town center, so more officers 11 … (patrol) the streets. They 12 … (detain) drunken offenders and 13 … (confiscate) the alcohol. Police officers also 14 … (arrest) people who 15 … (deal) with drugs and 16 … (remove) beggars from the tourist areas.

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1. — are you partners? — yes, we (founded) this company ten years ago and since then we (have been working) together. 2. i (have been thinking) about it all day long today and i have just (made) a decision. 3. — have you ever (done) such work? — yes, i (have been doing) it since i left the college. 4. i’m afraid you will not (be able) to drive the car. you (are drunk)! 5.— where did i (leave) my mobile phone? ! — but you have just (been speak ing) on it. 6. — how long has he (had) this computer? — he (bought) it two years ago. 7. — where is olga? — she (has fallen ill). she (caught a cold) two days ago and now she (feels) really bad. 8. — the information (has come) just now. it (is) very important. we (have been wait ing) for it since yesterday. 9. — are you (hungry)? — no, i have just (had) lunch. 10. he (has been) very busy lately. in fact, he (has been work ing) all round the clock in the last two months. 11. at last i (have found) the site i (have been look ing) for since morning! 12. you (have been work ing) in the garden too long today. let’s go into the house and have a nice cup of tea. and i (have brought) some tasty cakes for you. 13. — have you (lived) a happy life? — i think so, as all my life i (have been do ing) only what i wanted. 14. he (has been try ing) to start his bike for half an hour already but so far he has not (managed) to do it. 15. — why did you (open) the window while i was out? — i (wanted) to air the room. 16. — why have you (opened) the window? i’m cold. will you close it?

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