Есть ответ 👍

Order the mini- dialogues. Listen and check.
1. i think it s a bit boring. I dont really like action films ___.
2. I am not sure i agree with you. I think it s really exciting___.
3. What do you think of the film Spectre?.
4. How about you?.
5. What about you?.
6. I agree with you. I think it s Fantastik!___.
7. I love it. I d say Its one of the best films i ve seen.
8. what do you think of the new Spider MAn film?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. i go to school every day.

2. my mother always cooks dinner for the whole family.

3. my brother  likes  to read a historical books.

4. she  prefers to drink coffee.

5. my father often helps me with my homework.

1 я занят i am busy

она работает слишком много she works too much

3 мы часто ходим за покупками we often go shopping

4 им нравится рок-музыка they like rock music

5 он никогда не пьет алкоголь he never drinks alcohol

6 я встаю в семь часов утра каждый день i get up at 7 o’clock in the morning
every day

7 ты выглядишь уставшим you look tired

8 это интересно it is very interesting

9 они часто нам they often help us

10 мне нужно взять отпуск i need to take a holiday

Популярно: Английский язык