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№1.Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, правильно употребив времена Future Simple и Present Simple. 1. Before you (leave), (not/forget) to shut the windows. 2. I (phone) you as soon as I (arrive) in London. 3. Please (not/touch) anything before the police (come). 4. Everyone (be) very surprised if he (pass) the exams. 5. When you (see) Brian again, you (not/ recognize) him. 6. We (not/start) dinner until Jack (arrive). 7. (you/ feel) lonely without me while I (be) away? 8. If I (need) any help, I (ask) you. 9. Come on! Hurry up! Ann (be) angry if we (be) late.
№2.Упражнение 4. Ваш друг уезжает на каникулы. Задайте ему вопросы о его поездке.
1. What/do/miss/train?
2. Who/talk to/not make any friends?
3. What/eat/not like this food?
№3.Упражнение 5. Вставьте вместо точек if или when. 1. … I see Tom tomorrow, I’ll invite him to our party.
2. … it rains this evening, I won’t go out.
3. I’ll phone you … I get back.
4. I’m feeling very tired. I think I’ll go straight to bed … I get home.
5. I’ll be very surprised … he doesn’t get the job.
№4.Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски союзами when или if.
1. … I go home tonight, I’ll have a bath.
2. … there is a good programme on TV, I’ll watch it.
3. … there’s nothing in the fridge, we’ll eat out.
4. We’ll go skiing next winter … we have enough money.
5. … it’s a nice day tomorrow, we’ll go swimming.
6. I’m coming to London tomorrow. I’ll phone you … I arrive.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) art

2) maths

3) football

4) history

5) ICT

6) music

7) French

8) an

9) at

10) large

11) all

12) choose

13) with

14) like

15) every


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