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3 Read the exam strategy. Then read the text again and choose the correct answers.
1 The Amish don't live in
a Europe. b the USA. c Canada,
2 Amish husbands don't have
a hats. b beards. c moustaches.
3 Amish women don't wear
a shoes. b short skirts. c dresses,
4 After dinner, Amish families
a don't relax.
b don't sing or read.
c don't use computers.
5 Amish children leave school when they are
a twelve years old.
b fourteen years old.
c sixteen years old.
6 After Rumspringa, four out of five Amish teenagers
a don't stay in the community.
b don't leave the community.
c don't find a husband or wife​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he ate cheese. 2. when did he eat cheese? 3. what did he eat? 4. where did he eat cheese? 5. why did he eat cheese?

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