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Вставьте нужную форму глагола Past Simple и сделайте : отрицательную, вопросительную, утверждение. 1. Yesterday evening I (not go) to the cinema with a friend.
2. He (go) to school last year?
3. Last night the concert (finish) at midnight.
4. The secretary (arrive) at the office this morning before her chief.
5. Tom (not give) a bicycle to his friend.
6. The train was at 8 p.m. so I (leave) home at 7 p.m.
7. Last Sunday was my mother's birthday, so I (make) a cake.
8. I (start) to learn English five years ago.
9. It (begin) to rain in the afternoon.
10. Julie (do) a lot of English exercises last week.

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Ответы на вопрос:

sunny month. this month is very hot. people are swim in the rivers, sunbathe, fly in the planes to the hot country. this month is my dream. 


больше не придумала, прости. 

солнечный месяц. в этом месяце жарко. люди плавают в реках, загорают, летают на самолетах в разные страны. этот месяц - моя мечта. 

Популярно: Английский язык