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Choose the correct adjective: 1. My nephew was (amusing / amused) by the clown.
2. This lesson is so (boring / bored)!
3. I’m feeling (depressed / depressing), so I’m going to go home, eat some
chocolate, and go to bed early with a good book.
4. I thought her new idea was absolutely (fascinated / fascinating).
5. This maths problem is so (confusing / confused). Can you help me?
6. The teacher was really (amusing / amused) so the lesson passed quickly.
7. My sister is so (exciting / excited) because she is going on holiday tomorrow.
8. I hate long flights, I’m always really (boring / bored).
9. I find horror films really (frightening / frightened) and not at all fun to watch.
10. The programme was really (interesting / interested).
11. I am really (tiring / tired); I think I’ll go to bed.
12. He’s very (interesting / interested) in history.
13. I was really (surprising / surprised) when I saw you. I had thought you were
on holiday.
14. My job is very (satisfying / satisfied), I love helping people.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) skated 2) didn't help 3) skated 4) drank 5) skipped 6) didn't ski 7) ran 8) didn't do 9) swam

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