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1. Mary and her sister wonderful hair. a) does b) has got c) have got d)are 2. I ___ watch TV very often. a) doesn't b) don't c) aren't d) am

3. How often ... you go shopping? a) are b) do c)does d) are not

4. She always lunch at school. a) takes b) have c) has d) had

5. My red pen ___ on the floor. a) am b) is c) are d) have

6. My black pencil ___ on the table. a) am b) is c) are d) have

7. Peter and John ___ from London. a) am b) is c) are d) they

8. I ___ hungry. a) am b) is c) are d) have

9. Grandma lives not far from us, but we him often.

a) not see b) doesn’t see c) don’t see

10. He always dinner at home. a) takes b) have c) has d) does

11. The weather is usually good here. It rain very often.

a) not b) doesn’t c) don’t d)are not

12. you know that man? a) Do b) Does c) Are d) Have

13. How often ... you go swimming? a) are b) do c)does d) have

14.What did you do yesterday? a)I play computer games b)I played computer games c)Yes, I did. d)I will play computer games

15.Did you write a story last week? a)No, didn't I b)No, I didn't. c)I didn't write a story last week. d)No, I don't

16.Were you at school last Sunday? a) No, I wasn't. b)I wasn't at school last Sunday. c) Wasn't at school. d) No, I was

17. Hungry переводится a) гость: b) голодный: c) вкусный: d) морковь:

18. Pineapple переводится a) яблоко: b) виноград: c) ананас: d) морковь:

19.Thirsty переводится. a) голодный: b) жажда: c) сытый: d) изюм:

20. I like shopping. a) doesn't b) don't c) aren't d)am not

21. what you want? a) Betsy knows b) Do Betsy knows c) Does Betsy know d) Are you

22. Kitty and Lucy ___ my cats. a) am b) is c) are d) they

23. My brother often Mummy about the house. a) help b) helps c) help

24. Tess to the cinema every week. a) will goes b) go c) goes

25.She lived there with … a) her flower b) her dress c) her pencil d) her family

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I spent my summer in quarantine. It was the worse time in our lives. But in this time, i am sure, that people could do many things, like: reading books or sewing.

Я провел свое лето на карантине. это было наихудшее время в наших жизнях. но в это время, я уверен, люди смогли сделать многие вещи, как: читать книги или шить.

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