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Заполнить пропуски a) Hard disk b) Portable hard drive c) Tracks d) Backup
e) Access time f) Floppy disk drive g) Sectors h) Transfer rate

1. The first rule of data storage is to make a of all important files.

2. A is slower than a hard drive and can only hold 1.44 MB disks.

3. The inside your PC is made of aluminium alloy covered with a magnetic

coating. This makes the disk itself a rigid plate, hence its name.

4. The are circles around a disk and the are segments within each


5. This hard drive is a 60 GB IBM model with a fast of 8ms.

6. The is the rate of transmission of data from the disk to the CPU. This is

usually described in megabytes per second.

7. Apple’s iPod music player can double as a for transporting computer data.

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