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Найдите ошибки и исправьте Two giant brothers lived in a valley.The older brother wanted to build a house.The younger brother wanted to play music.The older brother wokked very hard.The younger brother helped him and played music.He broke the instrument against the rocks.People found the shape in the rocks and they made a similar instrument out of plastic​

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1) i usually listen to the radio in the morning( я обычно слушаю радио утром) 2)   i  prefer music programs( я предпочитаю музыкальные программы) 3) i know bbc-news, radio chanson, love radio, i listen to them regularly.( я знаю радио бибиси, радио шансон, лав радио и я слушаю из регулярно) 4) i prefer tv to radio because i like to watch and not only to listen.(я предпочитаю телевизор, так как я люблю больше смотреть а не только слушать)

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