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Образовать предложение в Present/Past Passive voice 1) The cake ………………………..(cook) by my mum yesterday
2) The exercises………………………..(do) every day. 3)The museum……………………………(break) last night.
4) The museum……………………………..(visit) every day.
5) Blue shoes……………………(buy) very often. 6)A newspaper………………………(read) every morning.
7) A letter……………………………..(write) by him last week.
8) Pancakes usually…………………….(eat) with sour cream.
9) Stamps………………………(sell) in a post office. 10)The room………………………….. ( clean) every day. 11)This room………………………( clean) last evening.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)it employs nearly 2,000 lawyers and operates from a hedquarters office in london and 13 area offices in england and wales, each of these supervised by a chief crown prosecutor. 2) the crown prosecution service may vary or withdraw a charge preferred against a defendant by police.

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