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1.Choose the correct answers. Text – “The Mausoleum of

Aisha Bibi.

1. The Great khan of Taraz ?

A. Khakim-Ata

B. Karakhan

C. Babadza

2. Karakhan met Aisha Bibi in……… . A. Samarkand

B. Taraz

C. Southern of Kazakhstan

3. Khakim-Ata is ……………….

A. Karakhan’s father

B. Aisha’s father

C. Old nanny’s husband

4. Khakim-Ata ……….. to give his daughter to Karakhan.

A. agreed

B. refused

C. made

5. Why did Aisha Bibi decide to travel to Taraz?

A. Because she was bored

B. Because she promised to Karakhan

C. Because she had news from Karakhan

6. ………….was with her in the way to Taraz. A. Her mother

B. Old nanny

C. Her sister

7. How did Aisha Bibi die?

A. Fell from the horse

B. A poisonous snake bit her

C. Rode fast

Task 2.


2.Fill the blanks with correct preposition. ( on, at, in )

1. My sister’ birthday is…… April.

2. My son wakes up ……8 o’clock.

3. The railway line was electrified….. the 1950s.

4. I was born ….. July.

5. I was born …. 1973.

6. This temple was built…… the sixth century.

7. Please come to school ….. Friday.

8. Let us have fun …..Thanksgiving.

9. The cab will be here …..an hour.

10. They work together…….. Sunday afternoons.

Task 3

3. Complete the sentences. ( Use Passive voice.)

1. The story ……….. ( to be ) by Mary.

2. Cars…….( sell ) by Ben.

3. Letter…… ( write ) by me.

4. The exhibition ……. ( organize )…poorly.

5. Pat ……… ( give ) a book by Hans.

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А) 1)210-(40*2)=210-80=130 2)130: 2=65(см) 3)65*40=2600см кв. ответ: s=2600см кв б) 7 дм=70см,23дм 4 см=234см 1)70+70=140см 2)234-140=94см 3)94: 2=47см 4)47*70=3290см кв 3290см кв=329дм кв ответ: 329дм кв

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