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when i think of great britain first of all i (1) imagine the british isles where the (2) united kingdom is situated. i associate britain with a green (3) landscape   and a rainy weather.

the british always (4)   boast of their sense of   (5)   humour and their quiet (6)   lifestyle.

when i   (7)   picture a typical englishman in my mind, i think of   him or her as of a very (8) reserved and (9) well-mannered person. i know that these can be my (10) stereotypes but what   can i do with them? as for the russians, foreigners imagine   us to be very (11) hospitable, that means we like guests, and   (12) relaxed people. i'd also like to (13)   mention that   the englishmen like to (14) queue very much.​

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