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Заполните пропуски данными в скобках глаголами в форме Past Perfect в функции сказуемого простых предложений: 1) By midday, I an e-mail reply from our partners (to receive).
2) By 6 p.m.,we a turkey with apples for dinner (to cook).
3) My colleagues a long term project by the end of the month (to finish).
4) By September, our employer three colleagues of ours (to dismiss).
5) By the end of the year, our partners with our business proposal (to agree).
6) My cousin and her boyfriend by June (to marry).
7) By 11 p.m., I already an appointment with the doctor (to make).
8) By that time, I a cough nearly for two months (to have).
9) By the weekend, our neighbours ___ already a kitchen in their flat (to rebuild).
10) By the late 1990s, cell phones smaller and lighter (to become).

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