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НАДО B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do to form phrases.
1. A: Is Nur Sultan the biggest city in Kazakhstan?
B: I don't think so. I think the biggest is Almaty, but you'll have to_some research just to _ sure.
2. I'm going to really _ an effort to _ my best this time.
3. A: I'm going to _ project on traditions around the world.
B: That sounds difficult. Are you sure you've _ the right decision?
4. Right, I've _ up my mind. I'm going to _ the cooking this week.
5. I wasn't paying attention to the teacher, so when it came to _ the experiment, l _a fool of myself.
6. Stuart isn't very good at geography, but he _ really well in the test. He didn't _ any mistakes. It doesn't _ sense. I think he cheated.
7. A: Have you _ any plans for this afternoon?
B: No.
A: Could you _ me a favour? I need to move a wardrobe.
B: Sure, I'll come round later.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

the mobile phones in pupil's hands is a new problem of a teacher in a modern school. the using of phone has negative and positive sides. let's discuss them.

first of all, the call of telephone draws not only a owner of a phone but all pupils from a lesson.

secondly, there are a lot of conflicts because of a phone. f.e. pupils download bad videos to the internet.

from the other hand, we can use it for studying - the search of information in th internet, a   dictionary, a calculator. also relatives can call thier child at every moment.

i think that we can use a mobile phone but only in the wriht way.


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