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Контрольная работа на тему «Comparing people, animals or things» 1
Заполни пробелы подходящими по смыслу прилагательными.
My cousin gives me a lot of nice presents, she is very g .
We always do our house chores. We are not l children.
The book has got some detective stories, they are very e .
Every student in our class loves her because she often helps and is very f .
A t person isn’t short.
Составь предложения из слов по образцу.
A cheetah is the fastest animal.
1 cobra\is\a\than\longer\mouse\a

2 is\dog\friendliest\a\the\animal

3 than\tortoise\is\a\cobra\a\slower

4 cat\scorpion\is\a\dangerous\a\than\more

5 the\strongest\elephant\is\an\animal
Заполни пробелы словами из рамочки по примеру
where who best friendlier than which
Which is bigger: a horse or a mouse?
1 Are you more talkative your friend?
2 is the tallest boy in your class?
3 Is a dog than a cat?
4 Are you the at English in your class?
5 are there more things to do, in the city or in the country?
4 Прочитай текст, определи правда (T) или ложь(F) высказывания после текста.
Hi! My name's Sveta. I live in Siberia. I live in a big village in the country. I like living in the
country, but sometimes it's boring because there are less things to do than in a city. I live a long
way from my friends and there aren't many shops or cafés, and there isn't a cinema.
My friend, Olga, lives in Surgut. I like visiting her because Surgut is more exciting than my
village. It's much bigger, and there are more interesting things to do than in the country. There
are some shopping centers, cinemas and cafés. There are also a lot of buses so it's easier to get
any place. I love the shops and the cinemas, but I like going to Surgut’s museums the most.
Surgut is a beautiful city. I think it's the most beautiful city in KhMAO, but I like my home, too.
It's more boring than the city, but my village is cleaner and quieter, and the people are friendlier
and kinder.
Sveta lives in a small village in the country.
Living in her village is very exciting.
There are two cinemas in Sveta’s village.
Her favourite places in Surgut are museums.
She does not like her home because it is more boring than Surgut.

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Who knows the names alexander suvuriv? when was born he? who is her father?

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