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Текст- The Businessman the Fisherman.
An American businessman was on holiday in a fishing village in the south of
Mexico. One morning, he met a young fisherman with a small boat full of lovely,
yellowfin tuna fish. “What beautiful tuna!” the American exclaimed.
Задание! Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
1. The businessman and the fisherman met in the morning.
2. It took the fisherman an hour to catch the tuna.
3. He stopped fishing because he had enough fish for his family.
4. The fisherman is often bored because he has nothing to do.
5. The businessman went to Harvard University.
6. He gave the fisherman a lot of advice.
7. The fisherman gave the businessman some fish.
8. He went to a bar with a businessman.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) plan and map2) skins earth3) geographic shell4) the racial makeup of the earth's population5) the geography of continents and oceans6) laws of the geographical envelope7) continents and oceans of the earth8) physical geography of kazakhstan9) an overview of the nature of kazakhstan10) natural complexes kazakhstan11) protection of nature and natural resources in kazakhstan12) economic and social geography of kazakhstan13) characteristics of the economy of kazakhstan14) economic regions of kazakhstan15) kazakhstan in the modern world

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