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Помагите с заданием . Поместите глаголы в скобки в пассивный залог.
1. The electric light bulb (to invent) by Thomas Edison. 2. A new dormitory (to build) next year. 3. Paper, the main writing material today, (to invent) by the Chinese. 4. Last week I (to offer) a job at a local IT company, but I didn’t accept it. 5. In our country, certain prices (to control) by the Government. 6. Water (to compose) of hydrogen and oxygen. 7. Luisa is probably sleeping. The light in her room (to turn off). 8. The results of the competition (to announce) later in the afternoon. 9. My report (to print) at the moment. 10. The new highway (to complete) next month.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. was invented

2. will be built

3. was invented

4. offered

5. are controlled

6. is composed

7. is turned off

8. will be announced

9. is being printed

10. will be completed

"о, мои профитроли! " - сказала эмилия беделия. она подошла к печи.

Популярно: Английский язык