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Change the sentences below from active to passive tense. For example: Active: The GPreferred the patient to a consultant."
Passire: The patient was referred to a consultant by the GP.

Remember that it is not always necessary to mention the subject in a passive sentence. For example:
Active We have identified the cause of this outbreak of dysentery.
Passive: The cause of this outbreak of dysentery has been identified
Verbs active passive


1. The nurse noticed a rise in the patient's pulse rate
2. The consultant is allowing him to watch the operation.
3. All chemists sell the tablets.
4. The doctor diagnosed appendicitis.
5. The paramedics comforted the injured person until the ambulance arrived.
6. The midwife delivered the twins.
7. The gland was producing an excess of hormones.
8. They looked after him very well in hospital. -
9. We examined the tissue under the microscope.
10. The doctor gave me an unpleasant mixture to drink.
11. You cannot take the lotion orally
12. Toxic fumes poisoned the workers.
13. Doctors are predicting a rise in cases of whooping cough.
14. The drug suppresses the body's natural instinct to reject the transplanted tissue.

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an acceleration was noticed in the patient's pulse rate by the nurse

he is being alllowed to watch the operation by the consultant

the tablets are sold by All chemists

appendicitis was diagnosed by The doctor

the injured person was comforted by The paramedics until the ambulance arrived.

the twins were delivered by The midwife .

an excess of hormones were being producing by The gland

the tissue was examined under the microscope by us.

an unpleasant mixture was gave me to drink by The doctor

the lotion couldn't be taken orally by you

the workers were poisoned by Toxie fumer

a rise in cases of whooping cough are being predicted by Doctors

the body's natural instinet are suppressed by The drug to reject the transplanted tissue





примечание потому что не дают запостить ответ из-за того что мало написано: я хочу кофе и спать и я устал

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