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Exercise 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. 1. Janet … (to make) the cake by 3 o’clock tomorrow.
2. … Chris … (to book) a table in the restaurant by next Sunday? — Yes, he ….
3. Unfortunately, Sam … (not to return) from his business trip by next Wednesday.
4. … Cindy … (to prepare) her speech by Monday? — Yes, she … .
5. … the bookkeeper … (to pay) all the bills by next Friday? — No, he ….
6. I… (to write) a shopping list for you by tomorrow morning.
7. … you … (to speak) to your parents by tomorrow? — Yes, I … .
8. …Tom … (to pack) his rucksack by the time the bus arrives? — Yes, he ….
9. Pm afraid Molly … (not to make) photocopies of all the documents by the end of the working day.
10. … we … (to reach) the camp by sunset? — I hope we … .

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Ответы на вопрос:

я тебя не буду отвечать отвечать Ты говоришь что 45


а на самом деле ты даёшь только 20

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