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10 How is paper made? Rewrite the
following sentences
in the passive.
1 They cut down trees.
Trees are cut down.
2 They send the trees
to a paper mill.
3 A machine removes
the bark from the
4 They chop the wood into small pieces.
5 They cook the pieces until they become a pulp.
6 They pour the paper pulp into a container.
7 They pour the pulp onto a large screen.
8 They drain the water from the paper.
9 Finally, they press the paper flat.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. другие люди купят любой «зеленый» продукт, который уменьшит количество отходов. 2. нет ничего плохого в копировании и улучшении идеалов других. 3. нет новых идей.

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