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Complete the sentences with the appropriate
1 A sundial's vertical rad
attached __ its round
2 Obeliske height allows people to tell the time__ distance.
3. Early illustrations show the first timekeeping devices___ use.
4. The stars in our solar system move in a predictablo pattorn,
passing the meridian__
fixed intervals.
5. An ancient water clock is__display at the local

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Ответы на вопрос:

обращайся, если что то не так


Two tickets to the concert were bought by me yesterday. (Passive Voice)

The cello and the violin are string instruments.

She always reads books from the beginning to the end.

Ben Nevis is the highest peak in Great Britain — rises in the Highlands.

Cardiff is the capital city of Wales.

Opinions may vary for the questions about music and being a musician. It depends on personal preferences and experiences. Here are some possible answers:

Music is an important part of my life because it brings me joy and helps me express myself.

Both playing a musical instrument and listening to music have their own merits. Playing an instrument allows for creativity and personal expression, while listening to music can be a source of inspiration and relaxation.

Being a musician is not easy as it requires dedication, practice, and continuous learning. It also involves performing in front of an audience, which can be challenging.

Important qualities for a good musician include technical proficiency, musicality, creativity, discipline, and the ability to connect with the audience.

Whether or not one would like to play in an orchestra depends on individual preferences and goals. Some may enjoy the collaborative nature of an orchestra, while others may prefer solo performances or other musical settings.

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