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Correct the mistake: They went to New York tomorrow morning. I’m going to take them to the airport. Correct the mistake: Our cat, Thomas, caught 3 mouses a week ago.
Put the words into correct order. sometimes/ restaurant/ we/ Japanese/ go/ a/ to/

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i watch tv in the evening.

2. where's your brother? - he's watching tv in the living room.

3. i didn't watch tv yesterday as i was busy.

4. i've just watched this programme.

5. i was watching tv when my mom entered the room.

6. i had watched this film by the time my father came.

7. i'll have watched this film by the time my friend comes.

8. there's an interesting show on tv tomorrow. i will surely be watching it.

9. i will be watching an interesting film on tv tomorrow afternoon.

10. you've been watching tv for 4 hours.

11. i understood that i've been watching tv for too long.

12. i will have been watching tv for an hour by the time you come. 

Популярно: Английский язык