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20.2 Complete the sentences using I'm going to ... / I'm not going to ... . Choose from: complain learn run say try
wash not/accept notfeat not/tell
1 This cheese smells horrible. I'm not going to eat it.
2 I haven't been trying hard enough. From now on
3 I have to make a speech tomorrow, but I don't know what
4 'The car is very dirty. "I know.
5 I've been offered a job, but
it. The pay is too low.
a language, but I haven't decided yet which one
7 One day
in a marathon. It's my ambition.
8 The food in this restaurant is awful.
9 Ben doesn't need to know what happened, so​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Barking dogs seldom bite.( собака, которая лает, редко кусает; причастие - barking)

2. I received a letter written by my mother. (я получил письмо, написанное моей матерью; причастный оборот - written by my mother)

3. I heard his name mentioned several times. (я слышал, что его имя упоминалось несколько раз)

4. Look at the dancing girl. She is Ann’s daughter.(посмотри на танцующую девушку. Это дочь Энн. причастие - dancing)

5. Hearing a noise we stopped talking. (услышав шум, мы замолчали; причастие - hearing)

6. The church built in the 17th century is the most beautiful attraction of the city. (церковь, построенная в 17 веке, является самой прекрасной достопримечательностью в городе; причастие - built in the 17th century)

7. Christmas celebrated on the 25th of December is the most popular holiday in the USA and Great Britain.(Рождество, отмечаемое 25 декабря, является самым популярным праздником в США и Великобритании; причастие - celebrated on the 25th of December)


Популярно: Английский язык