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1 A: Do you like. camping? B: Yes, we often at a camp site in the
mountains. It isn't near the beach, but it's got a
pool where we can swim and
2 A: Do you sometimes for your holidays?
B: No, I haven't travelled to any other countries.
3 A: What's the longest you've taken?
B: Two years ago my family went to Moscow
that's more than 2,000 km! But usually we take
shorts to places near our home.
4 A: Do many ... .s come to your town?
B: Yes, lots of people visit in the summer. They like
so the famous castle and the old palace are
popular. And they buy lots ofs to take home.
5 A: Have you ever travelled on a tour bus?
B: Yes, we went round Berlin with a... She was
very helpful and gave us lots of information.
It was easier than using a to find our way
around the city.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The Grill at The Dorchester is cheaper than the restaurant Elystan Street.

2. There are 5000 animals in the big  London Zoo.

3. A ticket to the National Gallery is more expensive than a ticket to the London Eye.


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