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Отдал Откройте скобки используя Past Simple или Present Perfect Tense.

3) The children ... (just to finish) decorating the New Year Tree. Our father ... (to bring) it yesterday. 4) ... you ... (to type) the letter? — Yes, I ... . I ... (to type) it fifteen minutes ago and ... (to ask) Sarah to send it. 5) Where ... your parents ... (to be)? — They ... (just to return) from the cinema. They ... (to come) home twenty minutes ago. 6) Why ... Paul ... (to look) so happy yesterday? — He ... (to win) a big sum of money in the lottery. He ... (already to buy) a new mobile phone. 7) ... Sammy ... (to have) dinner yet? — No, he ... . He ... (to return) from school a few minutes ago. 8) ... Vicky ... (to vacuum) the carpet in your room yester-day? — No, she ... . 9) When ... the lesson ... (to begin)? — It ... (to begin) at nine o'clock. 10) They ... (to have) a car accident. Their car ... (to crash) a tree by the road last Monday.

Dear Angela, I ... (just to find) a few minutes to write to you about my rest in the summer camp. I ... (to be) here for five days already. Our group ... (to arrive) at the camp last Friday and we ... (to have) busy days since then. I ... (to meet) a lot of new friends here. On Sunday we ... (to go) boating on the lake. It ... (to be) fun! I ... (not to go) boating for two years and my friend ... (never to do) it before. So our boat ... (to turn) upside down and we ... (to get) completely wet. It's luck we can swim! But our small adventure ... (not to make) us upset. I ... (already to learn) some new songs. A boy from our group ... (to teach) me to sing them a few days ago. And yesterday we ... (to go) on an excursion to an ancient castle. It ... (to be) very exciting trip! I ... (already to prepare) a souvenir for you. But sorry, I have not much time. We are going to have a football match. See you soon, Nigel.

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Мой район хороший, он чисты и совсем не загрезненный! в моем районе отличный экологический воздух. люди бережно относятся к окружающей среде и не выбрасывают мусор на улице, они действительно любят и ценят экологию! если люди видят какой-то мусор то сразу выкидывают только ради нашей экологии в районе. я тоже люблю свой район и стараюсь поддерживать экологию!

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