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5. Complete the gaps with the prepositions of place according to the picture. Listen and check.
in front of
between (x2)
on (x3)
next to
David: This is a picture of my living room in my country,
Aigul: Wow. It's very big and beautiful.
David: Yes. It's our favourite room because all the family relaxes here.
We enjoy spending time together, sitting and talking or reading.
Aigul: What's in the picture (1) the lamps (2) Obou the
David: It's a landscape painting. The painter painted the White Cliffs
of Dover.
Aigul: There's a coffee table (3) On
on the sofa. What books are
the coffee table?
David: They're my parents' books. They like reading books sitting
(5) On the sofa.
Aigul: Oh, look at that plant (6) On the sofa. It's amazing.
David: I used to take care of it. I watered it every other day. The
sofa is (7) on the plant and the lamp. There are cushions
(8) the sofa. There are windows (9) bebi the sofa and
the armchair. There's a carpet (10)
the coffee table.
There's some wood (11) in the fireplace.
Aigul: David, I think you miss your parents and your house.
David: Yes, I do.​

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