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БЫСТРЕЕ Match the titles to the routines. One title is extra.

A. A Busy Businessman
B. A Typical Schoolboy
C. A Successful Actress
D. A School Teacher
E. A Good Doctor

1. I wake up at 9, do morning exercises for an hour and eat a
healthy breakfast. After breakfast I read books on acting or
watch education programmes. It’s important to learn. Then
I check e-mails, talk to the manager and agents. In the afternoon
I practise my monologues. I have a light lunch. In the evening
I have a performance. My life is hard work!
2. I get up very early, usually at 6 o’clock. After a quick breakfast
I look through my lesson plans and at 7.30 I go to work. I give
four or five English classes a day. After lunch I go to the library
to look for some interesting material and prepare computer
tasks. Then I’m busy with our drama society. I go home at 5 or
6 pm taking any unfinished work.
3. The alarm clock wakes me up every morning at 5.30. I do
some exercises and have a quick breakfast. I am at work at 7.30.
At 8 we have a meeting to discuss what problems our patients
have and the strategy of the day. Then I examine my patients and
get ready for operations if I have any. In the evening after a hard
day I go swimming. Sport helps me to keep fit.
4. Discipline is the most important factor in a person’s professional
life. Success is the result of many things. Hard work,
brains, careful planning. I get up at 7, go jogging, take a cold
shower and have a good breakfast. At 9 I’m at my office. I read
e-mails and prepare for the talks with the partners from different
companies. We have lunch at 12.30. After lunch we usually have
meetings of the staff to discuss our plans. I go home at 8 pm or

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Your
2. Why
3. Were
4. Any
5. Do
6. On
7. Has Jim
8. Is
9. There
10. Teeth
11. Were
12. Can’t
13. She
14. Did
15. These
16. Was
17. Star
18. Any
19. Travels
20. Do

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