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1. Which is more harmful in the part of microbes; disinfection or sterilization and why? 2. Cite instances or a place where disinfection and sterilization are most widely used. Describe briefly the process

3. Share your experience in sterilization/disinfection. How did you do it?

4. If you were to choose a physical method of sterilization to destroy all microbial forms on a non-living object, what would it be and why?

5. Explain briefly the factors that affect the efficacy of a chemical agent.

6. Did you use antibiotics in healing your wounds? what is the source of it?

7. What do you mean by broad spectrum of activity?

8. What happen when antibiotics apply in the treatment of infectious diseases? Cite some events.

9. When can we say that the antibiotic is no longer effective?

10. Upon knowing the mechanisms of antibiotic in inhibiting the growth of harmful microbes, what makes it unique with the other medication?

(Will mark the brainliest answer, if the answers are correct and efficient.)​
(Please answer in english or tell me what language did you use to answer.)​

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