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put the words in the correct order to make sentences there are some extra words which you do not need 1. won't/forgive/will/she/at/apologise/in/case/you/have/you 2.can.t/home/at/stay/in/sick/you/if/feel/will 3. here/a/will/get/would/car/if/ticket/traffic/your/you/park/you/parked/got 4.will/on/Jenny/puts/got/feet/boots,she/wont/her/wet/get/if/her/put 5.haven't/any/you/have/will/call/feel/question/free/me/if/to/I 6.will/windy/it's/If/there/scarf/put/on/outside/off/your 7.would/be/will/Jane/been/her/you/if/visit/tomorrow/pleased/have

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Ответы на вопрос:

Informations [ei], stadium [ei], famous [ei], gallery [ae], there [eэ], future [ju: ], interesting [i], capital [ae], beautiful [ju: ], travel [ae], new [ju: ], building [i], square [eэ], student [ju: ], where [еэ],  greate [i], cinema [i], place [ei]

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