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1. Granny ... at the moment. a) sleeps b) sleep
c) is sleeping
2. I always ... to bed at 10 o'clock.
a) go
b) goes
c) am going
S... biscuits would you like?
a) How many
b) How much c) How
jam would you like?
a) How many
b) How much
o) How
is that? That's Paul
a) Who
b) What
c) Whose
6. ... camera is that? - It's Paul's.
a) Who
b) Whose c) What
7. is the camera?
a) How many b) How much
c) Who
8. ... are they? — They're cameras.
a) What b) Who
c) Whose
9. ... is a ruler in the pencil case.
a) There b) Those
c) These
10. ... are rulers.
a) That
b) Those
c) This
11. ... two rulers in the pencil case.
a) There's b) It is
c) There are
12. Don't call him now. He ... his homework.
a) doing
b) is doing c) does
13.He never ... his homework on Sunday
a)doing; b)is doing c)does
14.Look at the...tails
a)dog; b)dog's; c)dogs'​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) c; 2) a; 3) a; 4) b; 5) a; 6) b; 7) b; 8) a; 9) a; 10) b; 11) c; 12) b; 13) c; 14) c.

He has just got up. my sister never has been to paris . she has made his mother just has had i have watched my friends have already played he has never played my brother has already gone i have just done they have already written

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