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Fill in the blank spaces using past perfect tense. 1. The race _ (already/finish) by the time the last person arrived.

2. Steve had a gold medal because he _(win) the marathon.

3. Maria fed her dog after she _ walked _(walk) her dog in the evening.

4. Uncle Sam bought a new motorbike after he _(ride) it a few times.

5. By the time Alan and Jane had got to the restaurant, everyone_ _(begin) eating.

6. Pablo _ (break) the vase while trying to put
flowers in it.

7. There were a lot of people in the park because _ (was)a very sunny day.

8. We were burgled because my dad _(not lock) the bathroom window.

9. My car wasn’t there because my husband _ (take) it without asking me.

10. Our grandmother _(die) because of old age.​

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rowst beef=roast beef




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