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1.3.3. Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in the Past Simple and the P Perfect. Add the necessary words.
1) I often lose my keys.
I lost my keys yesterday.
I have lost my keys again.
2) We watch the film together.
3) They do not learn poems by heart.
4) Does she cook pizza?
5) Do you like the workshop?
6) The teacher gives us interesting tasks.
7) He doesn't prepare for the lesson well.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

ex. 1

1. break

2. rules

3. called

4. write

5. working

6. crazy

7. godbye

8. imagination

ex. 2

1. have the students improved

2. has become

3. has this man invented

4. have caused

5. have never surfed

6. has done

7. has found

8. have you consulted

9. haven't met

10. haven't made

11. has been

12. have been

13. has he hated

14. haven't been

15. have liked

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