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6. Choose the correct options. 1. When she cleaned / was cleaning the cupboards, she found/was finding her ring.

2. While he cycled / was cycling home, he saw an accident 3. It started / was starting to snow when I walked /was walking home.

4. He drove /was driving very fast when the accident happened / was happening 5. When / walked /was walking into the room, they talked /were talking about politics,

6. As I walked / was walking down the street, I saw/was seeing my neighbor.

7. While the children played / were playing football, they saw/was seeing a couple of airplanes in the sky

8. When Anna arrived / was arriving at the party, the guests danced/ were dancing 9. As Kaniet worked / was working in his garden, his grandchildren came /was coming.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

spend-spent - spent тратить

leave-left - left покидать, уезжать

write - wrote-written - писать

see-saw-seen - видеть

make-made-made - делать

eat-ate-eaten -кушать

find-found - found - находить

give- gave - given - давать

say-said-said сказать

Популярно: Английский язык