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Выпиши предложения в будущем времени. Какие из них записаны в форме настоящего продолжительного времени?

(запиши в скобках Present Continuous)

- Hello, my friend. How are you today?

- I am fine. Thank you very much.

- Say! What are you doing this weekend?

- I am having a party with my uncle. Why? - Because I am going to the cinema. Do you want to come? - No. Thank you. I don't like the cinema.

- O'k. I understand.

- What are you doing next week?

- I am visiting my grandmother.

- She is having her birthday celebration.

- Wow! That sounds like fun. - Can I go? I like birthdays.

- I don't think so.

- Why not? Is there a problem?

- Actually yes. There is a problem. - What is the problem? Your grandmother is meeting new people.

- My grandmother doesn't like new people. She doesn't like strangers.


- Sorry!​

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