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Task 1. Choose the correct answer. 1. … doctor’s appointment tomorrow?

a. Have got b. Do you have c. you have d. You have

2 When I … the book, I'll return it to the library.

a. will finish b. will have finished c. finish d. am finishing

3 My husband prefers to cook rather than … the dishes.

a. to wash b. washing c. to washing d. wash

4 They wondered … the letter yet.

a. if I had received b. if had I received c. whether did I receive d. whether have I


5 Sally bought … furniture that her apartment looks great after the renovation.

a. such a nice b. so a nice c. such nice d. so

6 Our teacher gave us … homework for the weekend.

a. far much b. too much c. such much d. a lot much

7 We objected … on vacation alone.

a. to his going b. him going c. him to go d. his to go

8 Suppose David … you to marry him, what would you do?

a. asks b. will ask c. asked d. would ask

9. We've had … problems with our new computer that we had to send it back to the shop.

a so b such c enough d too

10. … with being so busy both at work and at home, she became increasingly tired and bad-tempered.

a. Where b. Which c. How d. What

1 point for each correct answer

Maximum total - 10 points

Task 3. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in brackets form a word that fits in the

gap in the same line. Eg.: 0 – Greetings

All about the Brits

0… [GREET] from the UK! I'm having a great time, but I still haven't been out of London. Have you ever

been to Britain? Even though I have, I've still got lots of questions about British culture. Why do the Brits

adore 1 … [QUEUE] up? They're never 2.. [PATIENT]. I'd heard that everyone sat in 3 … [SILENT] on

the Tube, and it's true! Are people too 4… [SOCIABLE] to talk to each other? The son in my host family

is going to help me find some answers. Josh has just come back from Milan, so he's got some questions

about Italian culture too. The Brits love 5… [SPICE] food and there's lots of 6 … [CHOOSE] from 7 …

[DIFFER] cultures here. We went out for a Malaysian meal last Friday and it was a really 8 …

[MEMORY] experience. 9 It … [APPEAR] that Indonesian food is really good too. I haven't tried much

British food yet. I've already decided I want to come back next year, but it's expensive, so my parents are

10 … [LIKELY] to agree.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1it he 2 its it her she us 4 their 5 my me 6 ? their или her, смотря чьи 7 her her them 8 it its 9 his him 10 our

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