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Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I(read) one of his books, but I didn't like it.
21-(try) to phone Aida all day. Is she there?
3 We (drive) for hours and we still haven't
4 Hurray! We — (finish) at last!
5 We _ (already / see) this film twice. It's brilliant.
61 _(look) for my keys for ages, but I can't find
7 How long — you — (learn) English?
8 They're terrified. They — (watch) a horror film.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)I have read one of his books...

2)I've been trying to phone...

3)We've been dtiving for hours...

4)We have finished

5)We have already seen

6)I've been looking for my keys

7)How long have you been learning

8)They've watched


1. must

2. Have to

3. I Have to go, I must...

4. have to

5. have to

6. must

7. have to

8. must

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