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5.R2] What do you know about Robin Hood? Was he a real person? Read the background information to find out.
Robin Hood is a famous character from an English legend. There are many
different stories about him, but no one knows if he is real or not. In the
stories, Robin lives in Sherwood Forest near the city of Nottingham. He
becomes the leader of a group called the Merry Men. They fight against the
king's brother, Prince John, and the evil Sheriff of Nottingham while the king
is away at war. They steal money from the rich and give it to the
Robin Hood is a hero to the people. He is clever, honest and loyal to the real

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I. put in a or the where it necessary (5 points ) 1. would you like to be a doctor? 2. what a beautiful garden! 3. rita is studying english and maths this year. 4. it was a beautiful day, the sun shone brightly in the sky. 5. john went to school last year. ii. complete the sentences with the appropriate guestion tags ( 5 points ) 1. he bought this car last year, didn't he? 2. this jacket doesn't suit me, does it? 3. we have not met his friend before, have we? 4. they can speak english, can't they? 5. they had a really nice time in france, didn't they? iii. for the sentences below choose the right options ( 5 points ) 1. he became successful b) after he had written his first novel. before b) after c) while d) during 2. i visited a) both paul nor steve yesterday. a) both b) nor c) neither d) to 3. both of them a) are good at drawing. a) are b) do c) is d)does 4. do you know who c) invented the telephone? a) discovered b) explored c) invented d) decided 5. john finally managed b) to overcome all the difficulties. a) to cope b) to overcome c) to deal d) to reduce iv. form adjectives from the nouns and verbs using the suffixes( 8 points ) 1 aggression -ive aggressive 2. enthusiasm -ic enthusiastic 3. rely -ful reliable 4. cheer -ous cheerful 5. health -y healthy 6. success -ing successful 7. change -able changeable 8. attraction attractive как будто, перепутаны суффиксы в ? v. use the required verb forms in the following sentences ( 6 points ) 1. lets go for a walk. it is not raining now. 2. dad will arrive in london tomorrow evening. 3. the weather is nice today, but it was bad yesterday. 4. he has not received any letters from her this week. 5. when you rang me yesterday, i was having a bath. 6. i have been playing the guitar for five years.

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