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1. Drops of water make clouds.

2. Rain is a drop of ice falling on the Earth.

3. Plants can live without air.

4. Snow is an ice crystal falling down from the sky.

5. The sun can never heat water in the sea.

6. The warm air goes up and becomes hot.

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1) T

2) F






Ex. 1 1. says. 2. tell. 3. said. 4. said ex. 3 1. the police officer asked him what  was his name. 2.  the police officer asked him if he had seen the robbers. 3.  the police officer asked him what had they been wearing. 4.  the police officer asked him how did he think they had got in? 5.  the police officer asked him what had they taken? 6.  the police officer asked him if this had ever happened before?

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