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Соченение про Африку на английском​

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Africa is the only place on the planet where the sun is hot and mercilessly all the time. After Eurasia, this continent is next in terms of land size and population density. Africa is washed by the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Also the borders of Africa are washed by the waters of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. This continent is the only one on the planet that is crossed by the equator, and therefore in the very center of the continent a large amount of precipitation falls all year round due to low pressure. There is never a bad and cold weather. The coolest temperature on the mainland is + 18 ° C.

Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia, washed by the Mediterranean Sea from the north, the Red Sea from the northeast, the Atlantic Ocean from the west, and the Indian Ocean from the east and south. Africa is also called the part of the world, consisting of the continent of Africa and the adjacent islands.

Nowhere in the world is there such an abundance of large animals as in the African savannah: elephants, hippos, lions, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, warthogs, antelopes (cannes, wildebeest, gazelles), kaffir buffaloes, black and white rhinos, zebras, monkeys (Chimpanzees , Gorilla and others), hyenas, porcupines.

South Africa is occupied by the high plains of the Kalahari, framed in the west by the plateaus of Namaqualand, Damaraland, Kaoko, and in the east by the Drakensberg Mountains (Tabana-Ntlenyana, 3482 m). The middle low-rise Cape Mountains stretch along the southern edge of the mainland. (Ethiopian Highlands, East. In ancient times, North Africa was the object of colonization from Europe and Asia Minor. The first attempts of Europeans to subjugate African territories date back to the times of ancient Greek colonization of the 7th-5th centuries BC, when numerous Greek colonies appeared on the coast of Libya and Egypt


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one hundred years ago, education could be received only by 20% of the total population of children. at that time there was the first world war and the education was given less attention. all funds went to the weapon and the children learnt from their parents. now you can get a good education in every school and parents understand that it will help their children in the future. in 1914, this was impossible for most families. many people could not even finish school and went immediately to work in order to help the family to survive. in our time there are no such problems. anyone can get a good education free of charge at all. i think to study at school 100 years ago was more difficult as well, that in our time.

сто лет назад образование могли получить только 20% всего населения. в то время шла первая мировая война и образованию уделялось меньше внимания. все средства пошли на оружие, и дети учились у родителей. теперь вы можете получить хорошее образование в каждой школе и родители понимают, что это их детям в будущем. в 1914 году, это было невозможно для большинства семей. многие люди не могли даже закончить школу и сразу же пошли работать, чтобы семье выжить. в наше время таких проблем нет. любой желающий может получить хорошее образование совершенно бесплатно. думаю, учиться в школе 100 лет назад было сложнее, чем в наше время.

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