Есть ответ 👍

Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь.
1. The teacher asked the boy: “Why are your hands so
2. Father said: “Look at these clouds. It is raining soon"
3. Jack said to Sam: "Are you doing anything this evening?"
4. "I haven't learnt a poem for today”, said Pete.
5. She said: "I like this song from the sixties".
6. He asked me: “Where was Richard going when you
met him?”
7. My grandmother said to me: "You're grown up now".
8. "What did you do at the lesson yesterday?” said his
9. "Have you paid for everything?” the security guard
said to him.
10. Nellie said: "I want to keep this because it reminds me
of my grandfather”.
11. “We have got about twenty hard Rock Café in our ci
ty”, the manager said.
12. My mother said: “Don't brush too much oil on the meat"
13. She said to him: “I have not spoken to you for three days".
14. Eric said: "Sorry I didn't phone you last night".
15. Father said: “Don't lean out of the window".​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Скачайте переводчик через плей маркет и загадки например кто учится в школе? (ученики)и потом через переводчик переводить и ещё что делают ученики в школе? (учатся)как называется такой предмет на котором ученики складывают умножают поставь

Популярно: Английский язык