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с тестом 1.……it cold in England every winter? - No, it …very cold and rainy this winter.

a. was, is b. was, was c. is, is d. is, was

2. It was an interesting film, …?

a. isn’t it b. wasn’t it c. doesn’t it d. didn’t it

3. They ….stay with their grandmother next August, …not they?

a. will, won’t b. won’t, won’t c will, will

4. He is responsible for a social programme, …?

a. isn’t it b. isn’t he c. doesn’t it d. didn’t it

5. Who..… a dog at home? – John and Mary …a white poodle.

a. have, has b. has, have c. have, have d. has, has

6. She … some problems with her parents.

a. has b. am having c. have

7. How many aunts and uncles …?

a. have you b. do you have c. are you having

8. …….it rain much in New York in spring? - Yes, it….

a. is, does b. does, do c. do, do d. does, does

9. ……students…..two classes of English every week?

a. does, has b. do, have c. do, has d. are, having

10. He knows this businessman, doesn’t he? - …., he does.

a.yes b.no

11. Students do their homework every day, don’t they? -…., they don’t.

a. yes b. no

12. They … to go to ice cream cafes and sandwich bars.

a. likes b. are liking c. like

13. You didn’t like the book, did you? - …., I did not.

a. yes b. no

14. Mark like English tea with milk.

a. isn’t b. don’t c. doesn’t

15. you cleaning the room?

a. Do b. Are c. Is

16. We I football matches on Sunday afternoons.

a. watch b. watches c. are watching

17. they having a music class at the moment?

a. are b. is c. do

18. Our Granny often … detective stories in the evenings.

a. are reading b. reads c. read

19. We usually out on Friday evenings.

a. eating b. eat c. eats

20. crocodiles live in the Amazon?

a. are b. do c. is

21. My father … very hard at school every day.

a. work b. am working c. works

22. He everybody in our village.

a. know b. is knowing c. knows

23. What are you doing? – I … a football match.

a. am watching b. watch c. is watching

24. The children … at monkeys now.

a. look b. is looking c. are looking

25. He is running to catch the train .

a. now b. at night c. every day

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,5(27 оценок)

с тестом

1.……it cold in England every winter? - No, it …very cold and rainy this winter.

a. was, is b. was, was c. is, is d. is, was

2. It was an interesting film, …?

a. isn’t it b. wasn’t it c. doesn’t it d. didn’t it

3. They ….stay with their grandmother next August, …not they?

a. will, won’t b. won’t, won’t c will, will

4. He is responsible for a social programme, …?

a. isn’t it b. isn’t he c. doesn’t it d. didn’t it

5. Who..… a dog at home? – John and Mary …a white poodle.

a. have, has b. has, have c. have, have d. has, has

6. She … some problems with her parents.

a. has b. am having c. have

7. How many aunts and uncles …?

a. have you b. do you have c. are you having

8. …….it rain much in New York in spring? - Yes, it….

a. is, does b. does, do c. do, do d. does, does

9. ……students…..two classes of English every week?

a. does, has b. do, have c. do, has d. are, having

10. He knows this businessman, doesn’t he? - …., he does.

a.yes b.no

11. Students do their homework every day, don’t they? -…., they don’t.

a. yes b. no

12. They … to go to ice cream cafes and sandwich bars.

a. likes b. are liking c. like

13. You didn’t like the book, did you? - …., I did not.

a. yes b. no

14. Mark like English tea with milk.

a. isn’t b. don’t c. doesn’t

15. you cleaning the room?

a. Do b. Are c. Is

16. We I football matches on Sunday afternoons.

a. watch b. watches c. are watching

17. they having a music class at the moment?

a. are b. is c. do

18. Our Granny often … detective stories in the evenings.

a. are reading b. reads c. read

19. We usually out on Friday evenings.

a. eating b. eat c. eats

20. crocodiles live in the Amazon?

a. are b. do c. is

21. My father … very hard at school every day.

a. work b. am working c. works

22. He everybody in our village.

a. know b. is knowing c. knows

23. What are you doing? – I … a football match.

a. am watching b. watch c. is watching

24. The children … at monkeys now.

a. look b. is looking c. are looking

25. He is running to catch the train .

a. now b. at night c. every day


"посмотрите на мое бедное поле! ",-говорит старик. "что это? я желаю знать! сегодняшней ночью, мои сыновья, вы должны остаться и охранять участок. нам нужно выяснить, какое сие животное! ". "не беспокойся, отец",-заявляет андрей. "ты можешь положиться на меня! ". "ты в силах рассчитывать и на мою особу, папа",-произносит иванушка. "я способен отыскать оного зверя." оба братца лишь смеются, но их родитель симпатизирует самому младшему отпрыску. "возьмите с собой также иванушку",-молвит пожилой человек. "этот - хороший мальчик и он в состоянии вам ." "ох, хорошо! ",-соглашаются те. "не путайся под ногами! ",-приказывает андрей своему меньшему братику. "ха! и не усни! ",-предполагает сергей.

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