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Выпишите из текста и переведите предложения, в которых глагол употребляется в настоящем и совершенном времени в действительном залоге. Cathedral of our lady of Kazan in St. Petersburg
On the right side of Neva Avenue is a majestic semicircular colonnade of four rows of Corinthian columns to form a square with statues, flower beds and a fountain. This is the colonnade of the Cathedral of our Lady of Kazan (Kazansky Sobor) erected between 1801 and 1811 by a Russian ar-chitect Andrei Voronikhin.
The architect had to solve a lot of difficult problems. By means of the colonnade, Voronikhin intended to have the side facade just as imposing as the front entrance. Emperor Paul wanted the cathedral built on the model of St. Peter's in Rome. Voronikhin's solution was both original and quite inde-pendent. This becomes obvious if the cathedrals are compared. In Rome, the columns form an enclosed square whereas in St. Petersburg, the wings of the colonnade fan out towards the Avenue, connecting the entire edifice with the surrounding streets. In Rome, the colonnade is barely linked with the cathe-dral's portico and is much smaller. The columns of the Cathedral of our La-dy of Kazan are the same height as the portico.
Cast iron was used here for the first time for building the dome which measures 17 meters in diameter.
The brick walls of the cathedral are faced with a light porous stone found in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. This stone which was used for the columns and their capitals has an unusual quality: it is soft and can be cut with a plain saw, it gradually hardens, on exposure of the air. It is now as solid as brick.
On the western side of the square is an elegant cast-iron railing de-signed by Andrei Voronikhin, which is in complete harmony with the gen-eral ensemble.

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