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Выбрать в скобках правильный ответ. I like the (apples/apples). I usually eat five apples a day. He invited Jane to (the lunch/lunch on the Friday/Friday). (Roses/the roses) are my favorite flowers. When John leaves (school/the school), he will study (maths/the maths). (Andersons/The Andersons) moved to a new flat. (The president/president) of (the Latvia/Latvia) is elected every four years. Do (the Alps/Alps) lie on the border between (France/the France) and (Spain/the Spain).

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1 apples

2 lunch

3 on Friday

4 the roses

5 school

6 maths

7 the Andersons

8 the president

9 the Latvia

10 the Alps

11 France

12 Spain

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My pet i have got a cat. it’s name is margosha. it is four years old. we took it when it was a kitten. it is grey. it has got green eyes. it likes playing. and i always play with it. margosha likes when i pat it.i feed and give water to margosha. it likes fish and meat. sometimes i wash it. i like my cat. it is very kind and funny. margosha is a good pet. it is my friend. у меня есть кошка. ее зовут маргоша. ей четыре года. мы взяли ее, когда она была котенком. она серая. у нее зеленые глаза. она любит играть. и я всегда играю с ней. маргоша любит, когда я ее глажу. я кормлю и воду маргоше. она любит рыбу и мясо. иногда я купаю ее. я люблю мою кошку. она добрая и забавная. маргоша — хороший питомец. он мой друг.

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