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1 She is __ the age __ twenty. 2 They came across at the shop ___ chance yesterday. 3 She has become addicted ___ coffee. 4 She is upset because of her ___ her parents’ pressure. 5 I am looking forward ___ getting your letter.
II Complete with appropriate form INFINITIVES?ING form
1 You should ___a wrinkle cream USE 2 I can’t standing ___ the washing DO up 3 My parents want me sports. DO 4 If I were you I wouldn’t fried and fat food EAT 4 I enjoy ___spicy food. EAT 5 My husband makes me on a diet. KEEP​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) the cat nearly killed itself when it ran across the road.

2) we helped ourselves to the coffee.

3) the woman accidentally hurt herself with the knife.

4) the children enjoyed themselves at the beach.

5) the two of you shouldn’t do that. you’ll hurt yourselves.

6) he paid for himself.

7) some people only think about themselves.

8) she didn’t tell him. i told him myself.

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