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обезьяна шимпанзе информация на аглийском написать где-то 8 средних предложений где живут, как выгледят(шерсть, там длинная не длина шея, руки, ноги и т. Д. ) и чем питаются ​

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Chimpanzee monkeys are mostly forest dwellers. Eating vegetation, they lead a slow, measured life, moving between trees, communicating with each other and resting in nests. The only situation that can lead this calm stream out of its usual channel is the appearance of an enemy. As soon as one of the monkeys of the group notices the approach of a predator, it begins to scream and squeal, giving the relatives information that everyone is in danger.


Chimpanzees live naturally in small groups in the forests of central and western Africa. Male chimpanzees can grow up to one and a half metres and weigh up to 70kg, while females are inferior in size.Chimpanzees are covered with thin, rather long blackish hair, but the face is bare - pink or white.The ears are large round, sticking out from the sides of the head. The nose is small and flat. The lips are long and very mobile.Chimpanzees are stocky animals with strong short legs and long muscular arms. The chimpanzee's food consists mainly of various plant parts - fruits, leaves, flowers and buds.


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