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Task 3 Обведите правильные варианты. 1. My mom have to / has to work today.

2. I have to / has to take out the garbage on Mondays.

3. Denis have to / has to wash the dishes every day.

4. Nadya and I have to / has to set the table.

5. We don’t have to / doesn’t have to do our homework. It’s Saturday Tomorrow.

6. My sister don’t have to / doesn’t have to cut the grass.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1 has

2 have

3 has

4 have

5 have

6 has

1. has to

2. have to

3. has to

4. have to

5. don't have to

6. doesn't have to


has, does, doesn't ставим только в 3 лице ед.ч. (он, она, оно/he,she,it)

have, do, don't ставим и в ед. ч. (я, ты/I, you) и мн.ч. (они, мы/they,we)

spanish explorer christopher columbus italian origin, in 1492, opened to europeans ameriku.kolumb first of reliably known travelers crossed the atlantic ocean in the subtropical and tropical zone of the northern hemisphere and the first europeans went to the caribbean. he initiated the study of south and central america. he opened all the greater antilles ostrova.schitaetsya that columbus was born in a wealthy genoese family: his father - domenico colombo mother - suzanne fontanarossa.uchilsya in paviyskom university. around 1470 he married dona felipe de palestrello moniz, daughter of prince henry the navigator times. to 1472, columbus was living in genoa, and from 1472 - in savona. in 1470-ies involved in maritime trade expeditions.

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