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1. Заполните пропуски словами из списка. Одно слово лишнее: headache health surgeon medicine cold dentist flu.Запиши то слово.

1) My teeth are not very good and I must visit my .

2) Close the windows, please. We can catch a .

3) He is very pale and has a high temperature. I think it's .

4) She needs some for her sore throat.

5) Don't speak so loudly. Mary has a .

6) The consults Ted about his broken arm.

2. Выберите верный вариант для заполнения пропуска. Запиши это слово.

1) I am very ill and I stay at home.

a) may b) can c) must d) might

2) This week my classmate his leg.

a) is hurting b) has hurt c) hurt d) hurted

3) We are used to a lot of fresh oranges.

a) eating b) eat c) ate d) eaten

4) You clean your teeth every day.

a) must b) can c) may d) should

5) Our cat a mouse three days ago.

a) has caught b) catched c) caught d) has catched

3. Прочитайте историю Марка. А когда в последний раз болели вы? Используя историю Марка как образец, напишите свой рассказ.

Hi! My name is Mark. Last time I was ill three months ago. I had a stomachache. I had to call a doctor and take some medicine. Then I couldn't eat tasty things and go to school. My mum took care of me. I felt better in five days. So I'll never eat a lot of ice cream and three hot dogs at once. Finally, now I always think about healthy food.

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