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1 We can't go for a run. We..the right clothes at the moment. a) aren't wearing b) don't wear c) didn't wear

2 Who's thepop star in your country?
a) less big b) big c) biggest
3 was very windy yesterday.
a) There b) It c) They
4 are excellent photos. What camera did you use?
a) There b) It c) They
5 Please wear yourclothes for the trip.
a) warmer b) warmest c) less warm
6 Theyto school very often.
a) aren't walking b) don't walk c) never walk
7………was a new show on TV yesterday,
a) There b) It c) This
8 My shoes arethan yours.
a) expensive b) less expensive c) not expensive
9 My parents alwaysto bed early.
a) are going b) go c) goes
10 There's a veryboy in our class.
a) tall b) taller c) tallest
11 Why are…………………no celebrities here?
a) they b) these c) there
12 Chris isthan his brother.
a) more nice b) nicer c) nicest
13 This story is thein the book.
a) best b) better c) most good ,
14 She's one ofpeople in our school.
a) funnier b) most funny c) the funniest
15 We haven't gotorange juice.
a) some b) any c) no
16 Youto pay for your ticket.
a) haven't b) can't c) don't have
17 Did you like the film?' Yes, I'
a) liked b) did like c) did
18 How sandwiches did you make?
a) many b) much c) many of
19 Where is the toilet, please?
a) women's b) womens' c) womens
20 . Josie ill yesterday?
a) Did b) Was c) Had

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